Why Us?

Florida O&P is licensed by the state of Florida to provide orthotic and prosthetic services. Through regular continuing education courses, we’re at the forefront of the orthotic and prosthetic industries. Our staff also provides lectures and in-services to the local healthcare community to keep them up-to-date on advances in orthotics and prosthetics.
Our Approach
Florida O&P crafts each of our prosthetics individually crafted based on your needs and limitations.
We fabricate customized orthotics in on-site lab. The need for a custom-made item is either dictated by your physician or as the result of an off-shelf item (custom fit) being unable to accommodate your needs.
Custom-fit (off-shelf) orthotics are items that come in standard sizing from the manufacturer. When using custom-fit devices, we modify and fit each device according to both your physician’s prescription and your medical needs. Most of these items are available on a your initial visit to one of our offices.
We’re dedicated to providing you the highest quality devices available.
Prosthetic Services:
- HiFi Socket Certified – increased stability, range of motion, energy efficiency, performance, comfort, control
- Lightweight Geriatric Designs – ultra light, comfortable, strong
- Sports Prosthetics – energy storing, high performance
- Flexible Socket Designs – ultimate comfort
- Energy Storing Foot Systems – Flexfoot, Seattle, Endolite, College Park
- Myoelectric Systems – ultimate independence
- Preparatory and Immediate Post-Op Prostheses – complete rehabilitative management
- State-of-the-Art Upper Extremity – Otto Bock certified
- Symphonie Aqua System – Efficiently capture an accurate impression of limb exactly as it would be under weight bearing conditions.
Orthotics Services:
- Lower Limb Orthoses – functional, supportive and corrective
- Upper Limb Orthoses – functional, supportive and corrective
- Spinal and Cervical – all types
- Fracture Orthoses – ultimate in protection and comfort
- Nocturnel Scollosis Management – modern, proven
- Sports Orthoses – feet, knees, ankles and shoulders
- Fabtech Systems PDE Modular Composite Spring System
Our Approach

Pre-Prosthetic Care
Depending on the level of amputation and condition of the tissue and skin, we can provide a number of early management approaches. These include various types of dressings, shrinkers, and pneumatic devices. We can provide upper-extremity amputees with treatment and training to potentially use myoelectric devices.
Consultation and Evaluation
To best understand your unique and specific needs, we schedule a free consultation and evaluation of your prosthetic options.
To attain an intimate and comfortable fitting prosthetic socket, we routinely use diagnostic fittings. Depending on the anticipated level of activity, these fittings are accomplished in both static and dynamic conditions.
We fabricate personalized prosthetic devices our own laboratory, ensuring the highest standards of construction with strict adherence to the prescription criteria. We may also utilize centralized fabrication sources when it is in your best interest.
Preparatory/Temporary Prostheses
We design custom-fitted preparatory prostheses for early intervention of all levels of amputations for maximizing the rehabilitation outcomes.
Definitive/Permanent Prostheses
Lower Extremity – We are experienced in traditional prosthetic management as well as all of the advanced types of socket fittings. These include the CAD-CAM method for above-knee amputees and the TSB (Total Surface Bearing) and silicone suction socket designs for below-knee amputees.
We make use of state-of-the-art componentry, ultralight flexible plastic sockets, and various energy storing systems.
Upper Extremity – A full range of both body-powered and myoelectrically powered prostheses are available.
Fitting and Delivery
The fitting process may require more than one visit. We fully instruct our patients in donning, doffing, use, and maintenance of their new device.
Follow-Up Visits
This is an essential component of our professional service. We schedule patients for routine visits to the office to ensure proper fit and function of their orthotic/prosthetic appliance.